Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Thoughts.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Family Portrait

Friday, May 29, 2009

Burn, Baby, Burn...

One of my favorite things to do at my parents' house is to roast Christmas Trees. I like this above almost all other things I get to do while there, including eating my mom's yummy food, playing 37-Dice Yahtzee and sleeping in. Seriously enjoyable things, I might add, but they pale in comparison to tree roasting. I tried to convince my dad to go down their street after Christmas and collect the neighbor's trees so we could have fun all year round. Needless to say, my request was not granted.

So, how do you roast a Christmas tree? All you have to do is take one extra-crispy tree and light it up. No starter-fluids necessary, although we had a fire started already. The flamage is huge! One year it almost reached the branches above the fire pit which were at least 15 feet up. Sadly, it also is a great reminder to me about how dangerous Christmas trees can be. Keep them watered people!

About 30 seconds on the fire.

Maybe another 30 seconds, if that.

I love this picture because it reminds me of Godzilla. Check out those flames!!

The tree toppled over and sent stuff flying everywhere, so everyone scattered. Not to mention the flames were seriously huge. Note for next year - create a better stand so the tree stays up.

Me and the girls.

The event wouldn't be complete without Little Miss P and her crazy, contortionist expressions!

Me and Mr. Hudson Mack, who is turning 1 this weekend! Yet another excuse to run away for the weekend...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I Know A Name...

...a glorious name, dearer than any other. Listen, I’ll whisper the name to you. It is the name of Mother.
Happy Mother's Day MOM!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Little Miss P loves piggies. And penguins and panda bears. But piggies are her absolute favorite. I found these pigs in the dollar bins at Target. Major score.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Things I Just Don't Need To See

1. Regis' (of Regis & Kelly) man-boobs. Not necessary to share with the world thank you very much. They were hairy and old. I don't want to get into too much detail for the faint of heart.

2. Slugs. Squished slugs. Child squishing slugs. Squished slugs in a child's hand.

3. Seefood. A la Little Miss P.

I think that about sums it up for today.