Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Relativity in Regards to Age

I am now the age my mother was when I first realized how old she was. Old being the relative term.

I was 8 years old and just couldn't get over the fact that she seemed so old. I don't know what made me finally realize how old she was, or what difference it even made. Nonetheless, it is a memory that has stuck with me. It has been creeping back into the forefront of my sub-consciousness as my day of reckoning drew nearer.

I also remember realizing how old my grandparents seemed to me at the time, absolutely ancient. But looking back now, my mom is the same age they were when I was 8. She doesn't seem old. Do my girls think the same way about me, about their grandparents?

Is that the trick with aging? You don't feel it all at once? I feel about the same as I did when I was 22. Minus all the baggage that comes with having kids, and I do mean baggage. And I need to sleep more, even though I don't sleep more.

I don't feel old, I feel good, but the number is starting to betray me. Is this the same way I will feel when I am 56, but just a little more tired?

P.S. I'm only 32. Happy Birthday to me!


RORYJEAN said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I think age really is a state of mind- you're only as old as you feel. Some days, that puts me in my nineties, haha. Also, didn't some of the prophets in the bible live to be like 300 or something? compared to them, we're all practically toddlers. I'd hate to see the nose hairs on those dudes.

suzi said...

When you are 56, R will be 30 and P will be 29 and I will be 78 ;]]]Happy Birthday to you.....
"My Favorite 32 Year Old"

You are my life, my world, one of the four best things I've done in my life. May your children bring you as much JOY as you have brought to me.

Calley said...

And who are we kidding, you're my favorite 32 year old too. Happy birthday!

Hope said...

Happy Birthday! You are only 32-still young. I kind of new how old my Mom was, and didn't make a big deal about it until she turned 40. My sister and I woke up at 3:00am to decorate her kitchen in black balloons and streamers. You have a ways to go. Hugs!

Holly said...

I am so with you. I've been feeling the age bug lately too and recalling when I was in primary how old my teacher was, only to find out she was probably the age I am now. I am now 2x the age I was when I graduated high school. And I frequently forget my age when people ask me not that I'm in denial about it, but because too many years have flown by too quickly and I can't believe we're at 2009 already. (Now that's an old person thing to say) Anyway, many happy birthday's to you!

Diana said...

When you were driving I was just entering the second grade.

I'm just joking with ya! Happy Birthday

Dreams of mommyhood said...

Oh my gosh do I know how you feel! Seems like the clock is tick tick ticking away! If I don't get preggers soon, I will really be OLD to my kids! =) Happy Birthday to you my friend! I wish I was there to celebrate it with you.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Happy Birthday ... again! I hope you have had a good day and that this year treats you well!

And unfortunately, I will always be a year older than you?!?

PJMcD said...

Age is JIVE. Look at me. OK now look away. The main thing that makes children so immature is that they fight so hard against taking a nap.As you get older you're still you and so nothing really changes for you. I mean you've been you all along. Some things do change, like the pop corn sound when kneeling or rising for prayers. The fact that you can go to bed feeling fine and awaken somehow with a mystery injury.
One thing that has changed is that when I was young an older lady just looked like an old lady. Now I can tell if she was a pretty young lady before father time whipped up on her. When you're 56 you'll still be pretty. I'll be 700 and I'll still be one of the youngest people in the room. It's all attitude. Happy B-Day to you.

Amanda said...

I just turned 32, too (well, a couple months ago). I agree, I don't feel old, but I remember my mom being this age and thinking it was so old. Interesting how perspective changes things. Happy Birthday.

Ice Cream said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

I feel old any time Cookie acts like a teenager, which is happening more often these days.